

We offer janggu group classes at BAKTA during the spring and fall semesters. If you're interested in other class options, please contact us.

Curriculum and courses

The janggu class offers a comprehensive introduction to pungmul (풍물), with a primary focus on Imsil Pilbong Nongak (임실필봉농악) but not limited to it. Students will learn the rhythms and movements of Imsil Pilbong Nongak throughout multiple courses and will have the opportunity to join a pungmul band.
The instrument lineup includes the janggu (장구), kkwaenggwari (꽹과리), buk (북), jing (징), and sogo (소고). In the janggu class, students will not only become proficient in playing the janggu but also gain a foundational understanding of buk, jing, and sogo, along with basic dance movements.
Students are required to complete beginner classes before progressing to advanced classes. Advanced classes cover advanced janggu skills, kkwaenggwari, and sangmonori (상모놀이), allowing students to deepen their expertise.

Janggu Class at BAKTA

Boston Academy of Korean Traditional Arts (BAKTA)

보스턴 한국전통예술원

Classes are conducted in a group setting, encouraging collaborative play and the enjoyment of making music together. Advanced classes can also be offered on a private or semi-private basis.
Upon completing the beginner classes, students of all skill levels have the opportunity to participate in performances at semester-end concerts held at BAKTA and various external venues, providing an enriching and collective performance experience.


Registration opens in February and September through the BAKTA website. Each semester consists of nine classes and concludes with a performance presentation at the end-of-semester concert. Classes are held on Sunday afternoons in Somerville.

Link to BAKTA


Imsil Pilbong Nongak

신명나는 가락으로 삶에 활력을!
보스턴의 문화 다양성을 확장하고 사람들을 연결해 더 나은 지역 사회를 만들어갑니다.
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